Jun 28, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.

  And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

                                        - Jim Rohn

Today’s Picture:



Today’s Bonus: Common error- Inform

Incorrect: He informed to his boss that he needed a larger office.
Correct: He informed his boss that he needed a larger office.
Grammar: After ask, assure, convince, persuade, promise, remind and tell, DO NOT use to before the 'hearer'.


Jun 25, 2011

Experience & Enjoy

For a little while, set aside your


planning, organizing, adjusting and responding


and give yourself time to simply


Experience and Enjoy


The moments spent in pure enjoyment


free of guilt, anxiety or expectations


will add


richness to your life


in ways that nothing else can



Jun 20, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:

“The most valuable people are not defined by wealth, beauty, age, ethnicity or nationality.

  The most valuable people are defined by their character.”

                                        - Diego Pinho


Today’s Bonus: Common Errors

Incorrect :It is nothing else than fatigue.
Correct: It is nothing else but fatigue.

: Than” is never used with “else”. Always use “but” in place of “than”.


Jun 16, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:

A tree can make 10000 matchsticks. But 1 matchstick can burn 10000 trees.

So never underestimate small things in life it may have potential to burn everything.”

                                                   - Unknown

Today’s Picture:




Today’s Bonus: Common Errors-Furniture

Incorrect: My furnitures are too old.
Correct: My furniture is too old.

Ø    Furniture is an uncountable noun and uncountable noun is always singular.

Ø    Furniture is itself a plural form.

Jun 15, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:

“Always think before you react, because your Anger will pass on but your actions will remain.”

                                                   - Thomas Courtney Mackey

Today’s Picture:




Today’s Bonus: Common Errors-Nearby

Incorrect: The new hospital is nearby the bank.

Correct: The new hospital is near (to) the bank.
Grammar: Nearby is not used as a preposition.
Alternatives: We stayed in a nearby hotel. [adjective]
                       My parents live nearby, about a mile away. [adverb]


Jun 11, 2011

Crazy... Luv

People are really taking other human lives for granted especially being in luv & creating unwanted disturbance because of the same!!!

A college guy runs over his 4 wheeler on the girl…

Customs in US

Customs in US have become so specific in details to Indians – The person I saw started asking details about Jeera, Mustard or Cummin Seeds!

Jun 10, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:

“Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.”


Today’s Picture:




Today’s Bonus: Total words in English

According to “The Miracle of Language” by Richard Lederer, The total number of words in English comes to as high as 2 millions.

German has the vocabulary of about 185,000.

Jun 8, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:

“The world's most happiest friends never have the same characters.

  They just have the best understanding of their differences.”


Today’s Picture:




Today’s Bonus: Palindrome ~ Pseudodromes.

A word or phrase or sentence which can be meaningfully read in either direction is known as Palindrome.

e.g.: Madam

        Step on no pets.


Sometimes, palindromes consist of words which are the same if you reverse their order. It is known as Pseudodromes.

e.g.: God knows man. What is doubtful is how much man knows Gods.

Jun 1, 2011

Good day...

Today’s quote:


“ Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

   Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. ”


Today’s Picture:




Today’s Bonus: Vowels

The Shortest word which has all vowels is Eunoia ( alertness of mind and will ).